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Digimon 02 News

Digimon 02 News
The is the place 2 b for Digimon Zero Two info!!!
08/19/00 by Goku777: Did you watch Digimon today? I bet you did. Well, it was a lot different wasn't it? Davis, V-mon, Yolee, Hawkmon, these are some names you might have heard. What's going on? Digimon 02 is what's going on! Unfourtunatly they didn't change the American title but it's still 02. Be ready for all sorts of cool new surprizes and awesome characters. One new thing is armor digivolving. The digimon can digivolve with their egg and become a new digimon. Awesome isn't it? There will be more info as I get it. Keep checking back!

Do you know anything about Digimon 02 that we don't? If so tell us at

Digimon 02 poster
This is a poster for the new Digital Monsters series. It might be a movie poster.
Digimon 02 stuff
Here is some kool looking new stuff from Zero Two
This is a picture of some Digimon 02 figures. They look awesome! The blue one is V-mon.
This picture looks like a summery of the show, kinda like a movie poster.