Strange Facts 2
Strange Facts continued
Here r some more strange facts: |
Gatomon is a champion! Yep, she really is! Although she looks small and stays n that form most of the time she is a champion. Her rookie is Salamon. Salamon looks like an in training! She's not. Her in trianing is Nyaromon. Angewomon is an ultimate. That's kinnda strange since Angemon is a champion.
Monzaemon used 2 b called Teddymon before the show came out. I understand y. Also, it's not really all that strange but Monzaemon is an ultimate. |
Botamon: a baby digimon
There r many stages of digivolution. The most commonly known r in training, rookie, champion, ultimate, and mega. There is 1 stage everybody always forgets! The babys. Some of the babys r Botamon, Poyomon, and Punimon.
Numemon: 1 of the digimon who sacrificed himself 2 help the digidestined
Many digimon were killed helping the digidestined. The first 2 b killed were Gotsumon and Pumkinmon. They edited it so that they went 2 Myotismon's dungeon. Although when Whamon, that large group of numemon, and many others died for the digidestined they left it like that and didn't edit it. |
In training
Did U know that n the digimon card game there r no in training digimon?