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Character profiles

Agumon is Tai's digimon partner. His fighting technique is pepper breath. Agumon is a rookie digimon.
Taichi Kamiya (Tai)
Tai is the leader of the Digidestined. His Digimon was also the first 2 digivolve n2 a champion. The symbol on his crest is courage.
Koushiro Izumi (Izzy)
Izzy is the smartest of the Digidestined. He is always carying around his laptop computer. Izzy was adopted because his parents were killed n a car wreck. His Digimon partner is Tentomon. His crest is curiosity.
Tentomon is Izzy's Digimon partner. He is a cyborg digimon, meaning he is part organic and part robot. He is a rookie digimon. his technique is super shocker.
Gennai is the most important character n the series. He was the one who gathered the digidestined and sent them 2 the digital world. When he was younger he was the protector of the digital world. He fought against the dark masters. He tells the digidestined what 2 do. Watch the relationship between him and Izzy. Something important will happen between them.(I think that Izzy will find out that Gennai is his Grandpa or something like that.)