The Digidatabase

Digimon Pix

Contact Goku777

Digimon Links

Digimon Character Profiles

The Digidatabase Newsletter

Strange Facts

Strange Facts 2

Digimon 02 News

The Digidatabase

Welcome 2 the Digidatabase, please enjoy your stay! Please visit the other 777 sites!

08/19/00 by Goku777:Well Digimon 02 was on TV this morning so take a guess at what I updated...time's up! Digimon 02 News!

05/07/00 by Goku777:I really don't have any updates planed for today. I just wanted to talk to my viewers! And to thank a very interested viewer for befriending me and starting to get involved in the site. His name is Jack Nguyen! Thanks Jack!
I've seen lots of cool new Digimon figures, and I'm planing a Digimon figures page.
It really sucks that the Digimon show is over!!! But have no fear, for Digimon 02 will soon be here!!!
Also, I've noticed many people don't know how to pronounce anime. It is pronounced an-uh-may.
Well, that's all for today. Sorry I didn't update!

05/07/00 by Goku777:2day I've added a couple more strange facts, fixed an error, and some stuff I forgot. Don't forget 2 E-mail me about the site. I want 2 know what U think!

05/06/00 by Goku777:Sorry I havn't updated lately. There's been a problem with Freeservers(the place I used 2 make my site)I've updated a lot!!!I added some pictures, Strange Facts 2, I subbmited the site 2 a couple of search engines,added another link,and some other stuff that I can't seem 2 remember. There is something really kool I have 2 tell U! Well, here it is: There is going 2 be a new Digimon series!!! That means that Digimon will go off the air.......AND "DIGIMON ZERO TWO" WILL GO ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means new digimon, new stages of digivolution, the digidestined will b older, more new toys, lots of kool new episodes of the anime, more cards, and things beyond your wildest dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've made a place on the site called Digimon 02 news. Check it out for everything we've got on Digimon 02.

05/01/00 by Goku777:Not much 2day. Just an update 2 the gallery, added the Strange Facts page,fixed a spelling error,and added another character profile. If ne1 has a pic of Wizardmon or Pumpkinmon please send them 2 me at

04/30/2000 by Goku777: 2day I started on the character profiles, added some pix,fixed a spelling error, added a link, started the newsletter, and fixed some small things. O yeah, I wanted 2 tell everybody that the Digimon movie is comming out some time during August. Ya'll come back now, Ya' hear?!

04/29/00 by Goku777: The Digidatabase's first day! We started out the picture gallery and added a couple links 2day. We'll b updating a lot especially since the site is new and needs lots of work, so check back soon! BTW: this site was started by Goku777 and Krillin777 and is maintained by the 777s!

Digital Monsters

